Crime Stoppers & Your Community
Crime Stoppers of Metro Alabama is proud to be a community partner working to make our communities safer. With the business community, law enforcement, and our citizens we can all work together as one to improve the quality of life for us all.Make a Difference
Since the start of Crime Stoppers, anonymous tips have led to thousands of arrests and substantial recovery of property. We’ve received information on all sorts of crimes: murder, rape, robbery, assault, drug and firearm offenses. Crime Stoppers has paid out more than $1.1 million in rewards for information, and more than 3,000 arrests have resulted from anonymous tips. It’s simple: Make a call. Make a difference.How it works
There are 3 ways to submit a tip: phone call, online or through the mobile app.
The Reward
Getting a reward is simple and quick. If the tip assists law enforcement in the issuance of a felony warrant, the making of a felony arrest or the solving of a felony case, the tipster will get a cash reward; rewards are approved weekly by the board. Additionally, the tipster will never have to be interviewed by law enforcement, never have to testify and will never have to confront the criminal.
the online webtip
The online tip is an efficient method of communicating with Crime Stoppers safely and securely. Tips can be submitted through the website or through the P3 app, and the integrated two-way dialogue capabilities of the online form allow for the Crime Stoppers representative and the tipster to exchange information and updates, all the while communicating through the secure and encrypted interface.
MAKE A call
Calls are received directly through the local Crime Stoppers phone line. Our phones do not have caller ID, and conversations are not recorded. The Crime Stoppers representative that answers the phone completes the tips information form, makes initial inquiries, and then passes the information to the investigating officer.
Crime Stoppers is a nonprofit organization dedicated to making Metro Alabama safer by serving as a bridge between law enforcement and the community. Crime Stoppers offers cash rewards for information that leads to the arrest of wanted individuals, and tipsters always remain 100% anonymous.
Crime Stoppers of Metro Alabama is a team of diverse, active and dedicated community members who provide a method for local law enforcement to receive information on crimes from concerned citizens. By offering cash rewards for information that leads to arrests, Crime Stoppers strives to make Metro Alabama safer for everyone.
If you have an inquiry that is NOT tip related you can email us at mailto: info@crimestoppersmetroal.com
Meet the board
J. Frank Barefield Jr
President, Abbey Residential, LLC
Charles F. Knight, CPP
Vice Chairman
Founder and CEO, ARGUS Security Solutions, LLC
Chad Hagwood
Senior Managing Director & Southeast Regional Director
William L. Welch Jr
President, Industrial Chemicals
Danny Carr
District Attorney
Jefferson County, Alabama
Matt Casey
District Attorney
Shelby County, Alabama
Bob Copus
Executive Director
City of Homewood, Alabama
Deputy Chief of Police, Retired
Patrick Davis
US Secret Service SAIC
Matt Gentry
Cullman County, Alabama
Daryl Green
Chief of Police
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Matt Limbaugh
Doug McBee
Chief of Police, Retired
City of Hueytown
Randy H. Meeks
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Joey Moore
Moore Oil Company
Bill Murray
St. Clair County, Alabama
Mark Pettway
Jefferson County, Alabama
Johnny Ragland
Warrior, Alabama
Michael Roper
Chief of Police
City of Bessemer
John Samaniego
Shelby County, Alabama
Scott Thurmond
Chief of Police
Birmingham, Alabama
Jeffrey T. Walker, Ph. D.
University of Alabama, Birmingham
Lynneice O. Washington
District Attorney
Bessemer Cut-Off Division
Jefferson County, Alabama
Michael A. Williams
United States Secret Service