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Today, we celebrate the joy of playing outside, exploring nature, and making memories with loved ones. But we also recognize that not every neighborhood feels safe for our children to do so. At Crime Stoppers of Metro Alabama, we are committed to helping create safer communities where everyone can enjoy the simple pleasure of playing outside without fear.

If you see something suspicious or know something that could make our neighborhoods safer, speak up. Your tips can make a difference. Let's work together to ensure that every child has a safe place to play.

💻 Submit a tip:
📞 Call us anonymously: 205-254-7777

#NationalPlayOutsideDay #SaferNeighborhoods #crimestoppersmetroal #CommunitySafety
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3 hours ago
Today, we celebrate the joy of playing outside, exploring nature, and making memories with loved ones. But we also recognize that not every neighborhood feels safe for our children to do so. At Crime Stoppers of Metro Alabama, we are committed to helping create safer communities where everyone can enjoy the simple pleasure of playing outside without fear.

If you see something suspicious or know something that could make our neighborhoods safer, speak up. Your tips can make a difference. Let's work together to ensure that every child has a safe place to play.

💻 Submit a tip: 
📞 Call us anonymously: 205-254-7777

#NationalPlayOutsideDay #SaferNeighborhoods #CrimeStoppersMetroAL #CommunitySafety
“We are urging the community to take a stand and demand a safe place to live,” says Copus. “We want our children to grow up in an environment where we don’t have to worry about gunfire endangering them. The only way to achieve this is by being part of the solution and speaking up. If you have knowledge of something, say something.”

- Bob Copus, Executive Director

Read more:
Don’t let fear keep you silent. Report crime anonymously to Crime Stoppers of Metro Alabama and be a hero in your community. 205-254-7777

#CrimeStoppers #Crime #Birmingham #Bham #Alabama
See something suspicious? Speak up! You can stay anonymous with Crime Stoppers of Metro Alabama. Your tip could be the missing piece. 

#StopCrime #ProtectYourCommunity



BPD Homicide Investigation in the 100 Block of Penthouse Drive

Crime Stoppers of Metro Alabama August 4, 2024 2:10 pm

Call us if you need us: 205-254-7777

Crime Stoppers of Metro Alabama July 17, 2024 11:20 am


CSMA Podcast

Our first podcast series addresses our most commonly asked questions. You can gain a better understanding about how the tip submission process works all the way through receiving a cash reward.

Soon we will start another series from unsolved crimes to some of Crime Stoppers’ most memorable cases, tune in with Crime Stoppers staff members as they go in depth with stories and reflections from our 39-year history.

Stay tuned for more podcasts!