Birmingham Detectives Need to Identify Suspect in a Car Burglary
April 30, 2020
According to detectives with Birmingham PD the pictured person is a suspect in the burglary of a victim’s vehicle during which an expensive pair of sunglasses was stolen. According to report this crime occurred April 26, 2020, approximately 8:20 pm, at the Venue in the 200 block of 16th Street South near the ballpark. This suspect is described as a bald and bearded black male wearing a white t-shirt, black and white basketball shorts, and black and white sneakers. Detectives obtained surveillance video of the same subject earlier the same evening attempting to break into vehicles parked at The Flats parking deck in the 1500 block of 4th Avenue South. If you recognize this suspect, or know anything about this crime, please contact Crime Stoppers of Metro Alabama. You remain anonymous and the information you provide to Crime Stoppers leading to the charge and arrest of an identified suspect could result in a cash reward.