Jefferson County Detectives Need Information Regarding a Residential Homicide
August 27, 2020
According to a report filed with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office Brandon Monroe Thomas (pictured) was shot around midnight August 26, 2020, while cooking in his kitchen at a residence in the 6500 block of Snowville Brent Road in the Dora area. Before collapsing the victim awakened his parents to advise them he had been shot. Despite his parents’ effort to save him the victim later died at a nearby hospital. Detectives believe that the shots fired came from outside of the residence, one of which passed through the victim’s chest. They also believe the shooter(s) likely knew the victim. At the present time they are looking for any information identifying suspect(s) who may have been inclined to target the victim in this fashion. If you have any information to provide please contact Crime Stoppers of Metro Alabama. You remain anonymous and the information you provide leading to the charge and arrest of an identified suspect could result in a cash reward up to $5,000.